Installation (Earth-lined) 1. Refer to approved plans for location, extent, and construction details. If there are questions or problems with the location, extent, or method of installation, contact the engineer or responsible on-site officer for assistance. 2. Clear the location for the catch drain, clearing only what is needed to provide access for personnel and equipment for installation. 3. Remove roots, stumps, and other debris and dispose of them properly. Do not use debris to build the bank. 4. Grade the drain to the specified slope and form the associated embankment with compacted fill. Note that the drain invert must fall 10cm every 10m for each 1% of required channel gradient. 5. Ensure the sides of the cut drain are no steeper than a 1.5:1 (H:V) slope and the embankment fill slopes no steeper than 2:1. 6. Ensure the completed drain has sufficient deep (as specified for the type of drain) measured from the drain invert to the top of the embankment. 7. Ensure the drain has a constant fall in the desired direction free of obstructions. 8. Ensure the drain discharges to a stable outlet such that soil erosion will be prevented from occurring. Specifically, ensure the drain does not discharge to an unstable fill slope. Maintenance 1. Inspect all catch drains at least weekly and after runoff-producing storm events and repair any slumps, bank damage, or loss of freeboard. 2. Ensure fill material or sediment is not partially blocking the drain. Where necessary, remove any deposited material to allow free drainage. 3. Dispose of any sediment or fill in a manner that will not create an erosion or pollution hazard. Removal 1. When the soil disturbance above the catch drain is finished and the area is stabilised, the temporary drain and any associated banks should be removed, unless it is to remain as a permanent drainage feature. 2. Dispose of any sediment or earth in a manner that will not create an erosion or pollution hazard. 3. Grade the area and smooth it out in preparation for stabilisation. 4. Stabilise the area by grassing or as specified within the approved site rehabilitation plan.