Materials Composts must comply with the requirements of AS4454. * Well-decomposed 100% organic matter produced by controlled aerobic (biological) decomposition. * Maximum of 1% of inert material. * Maximum soluble salt concentration of 5dS/m, and pH range of 5.0 to 8.5. * Moisture content of 30 to 50% prior to application. Installation 1. Refer to approved plans for location and extent. If there are questions or problems with the location, extent, material type, or method of installation contact the engineer or responsible on-site officer for assistance. 2. When selecting the location of a compost filter berm, to the maximum degree practicable, ensure the berm is located: (i) totally within the property boundaries; (ii) along a line of constant elevation (preferred, but not always practical); (iii) at least 1m, ideally 3m, from the toe of a fill embankment; (iv) away from areas of concentrated flow. 3. Ensure the berm is installed in a manner that avoids the concentration of flow along the berm, or the undesirable discharge of water around the ends of the berm. 4. Ensure the berm has been placed along the contour such that water will pond evenly along the length of the berm. 5. Ensure both ends of the berm are adequately turned up the slope to prevent flow bypassing prior to water passing over the berm. 6. Ensure 100% contact with the soil surface. 7. Where specified, take appropriate steps to vegetate the berm. Maintenance 1. During the construction period, inspect the berm at least weekly and after any significant rain. Make necessary repairs immediately. 2. Repair or replace any damaged sections. 3. When making repairs, always restore the system to its original configuration unless an amended layout is required or specified. 4. Remove accumulated sediment if the sediment deposit exceeds a depth of 100mm or one-third the height of the berm. 5. Dispose of sediment in a suitable manner that will not cause an erosion or pollution hazard. Removal (if required) 1. When disturbed areas up-slope of the berm are sufficiently stabilised to restrain erosion, the berm may be removed. 2. Remove any collected sediment and dispose of in a suitable manner that will not cause an erosion or pollution hazard. 3. Rehabilitate/revegetate the disturbed ground as necessary to minimise the erosion hazard.